The Undeniable Truth To Becoming A Software Engineer.

Israel Lucca Canessa
6 min readJul 28, 2020


Photo by Procreator UX Design Studio on Unsplash

Many of you may be looking into the Tech industry, and I will say …Good on you! After all like myself, you may be feeling the sense of doing something new, perhaps be involved in a field that’s always improving and evolving. Well, you are absolutely right. In this industry there are many possibilities for success. Your will and imagination can take you to high places.

There are hundreds if not thousands of videos, blogs, news articles, that speak about the Tech Industry. However, my goal will be focused on telling you the honest truth on whether it’s worth it to become a software engineer, and I’ll be using my current experience as a current novice at Flatiron School as evidence to support my argument.

I live in New York City and after attending college, changing my major like 4 times, and finally getting my associates degree on Liberal Arts: Math & Science. I realized it was time to focus on what I really want. My goal was to be involved in the Science or Tech field. Therefore, I explored my options and my desires for an answer. I realized it’s crucial sometimes to take a moment, be honest with ourselves, forget everyone’s opinions and solely focus on our own. I discovered a hidden desire that I had put to rest for a while but now that I’d found it again, it was time to chase my dreams and move forward.

I decided Software Engineering is the way to go for me. I mean why not? we’re living in a time where technology is a huge part of our lives, we cannot live without it and the demand is huge, not to mention it can be lucrative salary wise . I want to do so much in this field and the possibilities are only limited by my imagination and determination. But wait! How to accomplish this? fast forward to now and here I am, part of the Software Engineer Bootcamp program at Flatiron School. How crazy is that? if you don’t know what that means, well let me tell you… no matter how much you read about it online, you truly have to experience it yourself to really comprehend what it is. Flatiron School provides you with different bootcamp courses designed to help you become a software engineer professional within a short period of time. They aim to accept students that are determined, and capable to undergo through their program. You could have zero knowledge about coding or have a bachelors degree in computer science, maybe you’re just looking to change careers, or maybe a single parent, it doesn’t matter! There isn’t discrimination against age, race, gender. As long as you have what it takes and are willing to dedicate the time to be successful they will welcome you with open arms. I noticed Flatiron School doesn’t just want your money and get you in the program. They really want to help before the interview process, during the prep-course, after your second interview and if they think you need more time… It’s okay. They will extend your start date to another cohort the following month. It is imperative that when you’re admitted, you are ready to go through the bootcamp so they will go above and beyond to get you ready. If you’re concerned about how to pay for this program, they will help you figure that out as well.

That being said, as you will come to find out, due to the nature of the bootcamp, you will have to make changes and sacrifices to be successful once admitted. If I had to guess, many people who planned about going through the program might’ve changed their minds about it and went a different route. I certainly felt the same way. I had to make so many adjustments in my life. I thought about quitting before it even started. I quit my job to be able to attend the program, I had to put my personal life aside and live on my savings. Not only that I faced emotional challenges as well. Mainly because while doing these radical changes, many people around me thought I was making a mistake. I started to question everything. That brings us to the initial question. Is it worth it becoming a software engineer?. While it is true there are other ways to become a software engineer like enrolling at a University for 4–5 years, not everyone is willing to do that. Maybe some people can, but why do it when there is a much better option that is much more promising?. I’m talking about people like me, who struggled through college because I had to work nights as a bartender full time, and barely dedicated time afterwards to my education, which involved remedial classes or general classes I didn’t need for my major in the first place. In my opinion, the most viable option to become a Software Engineer is through a coding bootcamp and in my case Flatiron School has been the best decision I’ve ever made. So is it worth it?

Yes! Yes it is. That coding gif I posted may look like mandarin right now, but just like mandarin with dedication and patience you will learn. You may be hearing a loud “NOOOPE!” inside your head, but please don’t panic. It’s worse than it looks. If you’re questioning your ability to learn and be successful, why not just give a try first? Why don’t you check out free coding websites, or even reach out to the school and tell them truthfully what your concerns are. They will help along the way and provide you with the information you need. Check out their prep-course and see how you like it. Perhaps then you’ll see it isn’t impossible to code and very worth a try. I am just beginning my third week of this bootcamp and I failed my first coding challenge. It was very painful and so far it has been incredibly stressful, but the community and my classmates are simply awesome. I am retaking my challenge again, and I will move forward. I will keep learning and overcoming whatever gets thrown my way. You best believe everyone is super helpful and you are not alone during this program.

At the end of the day it all comes down to your goal. Why did you want to explore this field? What do you have in mind? What’s your end goal? whatever that is, don’t turn away yet. It’s better to try it out first before making up your mind. I cannot explain how accomplished I feel right now, even after failing my coding challenge. I have learned so much in the first few weeks. I feel connected to the material, connected to the platform and I am more excited for the future. You will be constantly learning new concepts, you will be working on labs everyday, you will do pair programming with a partner and collaborate and share your work with your class. I cannot express enough that you learn so much. If you always hated to write papers and read power point presentations… this is not that. It’s all practice and actively working code while receiving lectures by experienced developers. Not to mention, there are workshops to entertain you, or to help you relax during the loads of information your brain is trying to process. There will be career coaches available to you, and just so much more. Mind you, I’m just three weeks in the program and I cannot wait to experience what the next following weeks will be.

I’m sure I’ll be coding just like that guy soon enough! For now I’m working through the program and I invite everyone to try it out if you were thinking about it already or even if you heard someone talking about it and just started exploring the idea. It is worth it! this field and profession can uplift you in so many ways. Do you want to create an app? or maybe create your own website? maybe you want to work with Artificial Intelligence or Virtual Reality. For example, I would like to work with prosthetics one day, and make a difference. Whatever it is, it all starts here. So if you were doubtful about what decision to make, or maybe you wanted to know if this option is worth it. My honest and humble opinion is yes! Technology is advancing faster than we ever anticipated, why not join the ride?

