Ways Software Engineers Can Make The World A Better Place.

Israel Lucca Canessa
4 min readAug 20, 2020


Photo by Bill Oxford on Unsplash

It is often easy to forget how impactful technology is. It’s okay though, it’s not entirely our fault. Every year technology is advancing at an incredible speed, and we’re often hit with new devices, new upgrades, etc. It’s almost as if we have been desensitized to how quickly we are moving forward. However, I can’t help to notice how many people forget how much this all means for us and our blue planet. In fact, perhaps one of the reasons why everything is moving so fast is because most of the development of all our technology is dependent to one goal: customer satisfaction. Everything is about pleasing the population with better services , and in return we obtain better feedback which helps our services to improve and the cycle suddenly exponentially improves.

Although this is all good stuff, for people like us who are seeking a career in software engineering it may be hard to choose a path down the line that not only benefit us but also benefits the world as a whole. Engineering is one of those fields that’s just great to make a difference, to feel empowered, to lead and to help our world positively change. Also being alive in a time where we have Facebook, Google, Amazon, Tesla and all of these other technology giants, I can imagine the mere thought of making an impact or even a dent in this industry seems almost impossible. This is why I will list some cool ways in which software engineers can make an impact right now, so maybe whether you just want to be a developer or if you want to seek the path of entrepreneurship, you will realize there’s still so much to be done and we probably haven’t even scratched the surface.

Photo by eggbank on Unsplash

Building apps that facilitate our daily lives and helps save us time can be something to look at. Whether you work for a company whose goal is to tackle daily problems with code, or you want to be the one building a platform to do just that is one way to improve other people lives and can be rewarding. Just think of Uber or Uber Eats during this pandemic. Many people couldn’t go outside due to risk for exposure, yet we were able to use services like Uber or Uber Eats for transportation or for food. The same is true with Amazon, when I ran out of masks or hand sanitizer, I ordered them on Amazon. That is the actual reason why Amazon got roughly 100 billion dollars richer from the beginning of Covid-19 till now.

Photo by Glen Carrie on Unsplash

Theres also working for companies that have a global outreach. Facebook is the perfect example, it helps billions of people across the world to stay connected, from simple chat conversations to calls and videos. Also another example is Google. They’re able to handle the worlds data so we can pull it up whenever we want.

Photo by Bram Van Oost on Unsplash

Another way is to maybe learn code that can allow us to work with companies that are focused on automation. Have you ever watched those cool clips Tesla motors once shared of how these robots built the Tesla car mainframe? Thats automation, it helps us build products at a fast pace with the least chance of errors and that’s precisely how almost every device we use is made and how millions of people can purchase the device you want right after release date. That’s impossible to do without code. if you haven’t see the clip here is the link: https://www.instagram.com/p/BEG4BNqQJzf/?utm_source=ig_web_copy_link.

Since we’re talking about Tesla, one of the cool feature about their cars is they have the option for self-driving. This is another aspect in which coding is very important, and there are teams assigned just for that particular feature. Just think of the possibilities for improvement in the next 10–20 years.

Photo by ThisisEngineering RAEng on Unsplash

My personal favorite is the field of prosthetics. It would be a dream come true working with prosthetics one day, and helping those in need of prosthetic limbs. Software engineers design programs that can interpret the signals from the brain of patients and perform tasks and movements with prosthetic limbs. It’s almost like magic, but in reality what we happens is a merge of science and technology. In the scientific world, software engineers are revolutionizing everything. Fields like astronomy, biology, medicine, are all better thanks to code. It is very complex to accomplish, but very rewarding and cool if you do. The potential healing of others with technology is one of the most amazing parts about coding.

With this I would like to end my blog, I really wanted to express how important coding is. We may get the impression at first that coding is mostly building apps, or websites but there’s a whole world of potential and innovation in this field. We can make make a difference in so many ways with code and the ones I listed are just a few examples.

